and no, we’re not preggo!
Have you ever had to make a decision so massive in life that the outcome will indefinitely have a huge impact on the rest of your life? And that kind of uncertainty of the outcome scares the shit out of you???
For me, there were some major decisions in life that were “easy” to make. I never doubted the day I would walk down the aisle to say “I Do” to Andy; I knew he was the one. While I went through about 5 different majors in college, when I finally landed on “Elemtentary Education” I felt confident on my new path.
Even when we moved to Germany, I was slightly apprehensive about leaving the comforts of home, family and friends behind, but (at the time), moving to Germany was supposed to just be a “2, 3 year tops, gig” where we were going to travel to our hearts’ content and then come back to Omaha, settle down and have a family. So moving was actually pretty easy for me, thinking it was only temporary.

First Oktoberfest Ever! Training to be the next beer wench!
Well, 5 years later, here we are still in Germany. And I kinda don’t ever want to leave.
I knew life would change moving to Europe, but I had no idea what kind of impact it would have on shaping and defining who I am today.

I “moved” to Switzerland to live on a farm for a month to learn to make cheese….yes, CHEESE
I had NO idea that it would instill a fierce independence in my soul. I never imagined that it would create a life-long addiction to travel that I just can’t seem to shake. I wasn’t expecting it to teach me how to be a kinder, more open-minded individual to all human beings. I didn’t know that it would basically influence the person the I am today, and the person I want to be for the rest of my life.
Which is exactly why it has been a gut wrenching decision that “it is time.” We are leaving Germany.
It is time to move back Stateside. But this wasn’t one of those “easy” decisions to make. In fact, every day I fear that I am making the wrong decision. I wonder if it really is the right thing to do and I get scared that we are walking away from something so utterly amazing that it turns my stomach into knots and anxiety creeps into my throat just thinking about it.
But here’s the deal: Andy and I are so fortunate that it’s not even fair to some. We have a “home.” I mean, yes, we literally have a house that we own in Omaha, but that is not what I mean.
We both were born and raised in “The Good Life” state. Both of our families, including all of our parents and the majority of our siblings are still in town and we still have close friends that have laid down their own roots in Omaha. So, we have our village. We have a tribe.
Don’t get me wrong, I have made some of the most amazing, life-long friendships here in Deutschland. But there is nothing quite like dropping the kiddo off at Gramma’s for an hour “just because I need a freaking break!” or stopping by unannounced to my sister’s house frazzled and on the verge of a mental breakdown because I just gave my kid a binky while we were trying to break him of it so I need someone to tell me I didn’t just fail at being a parent (yes, in hindsight, I KNOW I did not just fail- but 2 am scream fests have you wondering otherwise!). It’s having Sunday dinner at my parents’ house every single weekend and having their real, physical support, not just cyper support via Skype.
But the truth is, we actually aren’t moving for us. You see, even though “The Plan” was to stay in Germany for 2 years, then move back to the US, have a family and finally become real adults instead of wandering nomads, we just couldn’t tear ourselves away from Germany quite yet after two, then three and even after four years.
That, and I LOVE the health care system here! So, four years in, we decided Lil B would actually be born here, in Europe.

‘LIl B’s First Fest!
The cold, hard truth is that if we hadn’t had Lil B, we would not be moving back. We love Europe waaaay to much (not that we don’t love our family!). But when we decided to become parents, we also knew that in that decision, would occasionally come sacrifices for the betterment of our little one(s). And that sometimes, those decisions might not be what I want whole-heartedly. But that’s the thing- it’s no longer just about me. I’ve had a few people tell me that this is a bad decision because I will be bitter towards Lil B because we will have altered and uprooted our lives just for him, leaving something behind we absolutely love.
But honestly, I’ve seen the world. I’ve fulfilled most of my wildest dreams, all thanks to living in Europe, travel hacking and backpacking the world. While there is still plenty more to explore, it’s my son’s turn to be fulfilled. And at his age, that means surrounding him with the most loving and supportive community we can find and have, which right now, is his and our families.
Yes, it breaks my heart to know that Lil B will not hear the melodic tones of the church bells behind our apartment every fifteen minutes. It stings my soul to realize that he won’t know just how delectable a real schnitzel is, or Rahmschwammerl or gelato or Svíčková, Frikadellen, or Flammkuchen or Pommes mit mayo or…..ok, ok you get the point- Europe rocks when it comes to food.
He won’t be able to experience the pure enchantment of meandering through a Christmas Market as the snow drifts down on him or the delight in coming across cows feasting on flowers in the Alps….and then stopping for FRESH Alpkase (cheese) just a few more kilometers from those same exact cows!

Hiking in the German Alps w/ Lil B
His playgrounds won’t be ancient castle ruins. He’ll most likely long for the days (ok, probably not) of cobblestoned bumpy stroller rides that lull him to sleep like magic. He will miss out on the convenience of what is the German trains and therefore miss the beautiful Bavarian countryside rolling passed him in the train car. He won’t know the calmness and serenity of sitting in a Biergarten overlooking a river winding past pastel buildings hundreds of years old.

Spring in Bavaria
And this is painfully hard for me to know. But mostly because I am going to miss these things for my sake as well.

A little piece of Bavarian Paradise alongside the river and colorful houses
But he WILL get so many other things that simply can’t be had here in Europe.
Instead of European cuisine, he’ll get to have Sunday dinners at Oma and Papas! Instead of Christmas markets, he will get to actually open his gift sitting on Gramma’s lap. While he may not climb castle walls, he’ll play on jungle gyms with his cousins. For every train ride or short flight to somewhere new and exciting to explore within Europe, it will instead only take a short drive across town to make memories with his cousins, aunts and uncles.
It is my son knowing, like REALLY knowing his Oma and Papa. It is my son not having to only see Grandma on a computer screen. It is my son getting showered with REAL kisses and feeling the physical warmth and love on his cheek from his aunts and uncles instead of having to blow them kisses in a Google Hangout. It is my son making life long friends in his cousins, instead of remaining distant strangers.
And ultimately-I have no fear that Lil B will grow up knowing and loving travel. After all, it is a bug that bit Andy and I hard and is a life-long infection. With more points and miles than we can count accumulated from Travel Hacking, we already have numerous trips back to Europe planned to give Lil B glimpses into what we now consider our second home. He may not be able to LIVE it, but who knows, maybe it will be just enough to ignite his passion for travel as well. We are also in the works of buying an RV to explore the US to show him that travel doesn’t need to be international to be amazing.

Lil B’s first roadtrip! Prepping him for the upcoming RV Lifestyle in the US!
And just like his parents, if he ever wants to go to Europe (or anywhere else in the world) when he grows up, we will be the first ones cheering him on to make that leap.
My life has changed immensely since moving to Europe and then it morphed again when I became a mother. As a parent, sometimes we have to make decisions that aren’t just about us.
There will always be a piece of my heart left in Bavaria. But, just as moving here had so many memories, moments and life changes that we weren’t expecting, I trust in my heart that the move back Stateside will hold just as many joys for this new stage of life we are now in.
Well, we have now been living in Nebraska for over a year now. Life surely is not the same, but it is FANTASTIC being so close to family again.
And while we are doing a fine job of traveling the US already, I have to say, I’m shocked at how many Nebraskans don’t get out an explore. SO, I have started another passion project, WellTraveledNebraskan.Com, where I will be inspiring Nebraskans to travel within our own backyards! Sure, it may not be the corners of Europe, but I’m loving the experiences so far!
LeAnna Brown
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Wow, awesome post and so well said. Brought tears to my eyes. The last 5 years have been amazing, but I agree, it’s time 🙂 Love you! ~Andy
Yes but LeAnna you can back to the States for a few years and then come back once you have got through those early years when you need that support. This doesn’t have to be a one time move but I know exactly what you mean having just made a similiar decision myself.
Beautifully written! You have describe so many thoughts I had about our military life and why I wanted to stay in Omaha when we had the opportunity. Suggestion, it’s a small one, record the bell sounds so you all have the memory.
I am currently in the difficult process of deciding if I want to spend more time in Bavaria or if it’s time for me to move back home with my soon-to-be-German-husband to be near my family again. I’m afraid of making the wrong decision or regretting it. I know it wouldn’t be forever and I’m sure we would eventually move back to Germany. I don’t see us living in the US again forever since we’re a bi-national couple, but it’s still hard to walk away from something so great even if lately I have been struggling here after 4 years.
Beautifully written Leanna, you have been so blessed to do & see so much!! You have two amazing choices…..Germany & Omaha. In both places you have people that love & care about you, beautiful scenery (yes Nebraska & the Midwest are quite beautiful & breathtaking), delicious food & drink to enjoy (you will be pleasantly surprised by the great microbrewerys here), great schools, shopping etc. I personally will be so happy to have you closer, you will always be special to us!! Love you to the moon (and Germany) and back
Kay J
O LeAnna!!! What a hard choice!!! You two have clearly thought this through and I’m sure you will give him the best life!! You are two of the most amazing people I know!! I’m sad I will no longer get to live in Germany through you BUT now we can go get a coffee or some American gelato!!! (Not nearly as good I’m sure lol) I wish you a smooth, happy/sad move!!!
My warmest congratulations on such a beautiful baby! And also on the decision of course 🙂 LOVE the wench photo of you he he he
I can relate to your story, LeAnna, though from another angle. My sister left to US and started her family there, while we stay back in Europe. It’s hard for my parents that they can talk to their granddaughter only through skype on weekends because of the time difference and meet each other once a year whenever vacation policy allows. Shifting is always a hard decision, yet we always choose the option we believe is better for the moment, aren’t we? Moreover, after your baby will grow a bit, you can always decide to come back to Germany and that will be the whole different experience for everyone! I wish you all the best in Omaha) There is something warming and soulful about returning back home after many years of living abroad)
Thank you so much for those touching words, Natalia! You and your family can DEFINATELY relate! I miss watching my nieces and nephews grow up, as I’m sure you do as well. And like you said, we have become nomads at heart, so know that moving back to Germany down the road, if we so wish, is always on the table!
Well, I don’t know. I think you’ve just convinced ME to move to Germany. It all sounds so wonderful. Just getting married 2 years ago, made me realize I have to spend more time in my home base, I can’t imagine what it would be like with a child, so I get it. But it still stings my soul not to be travelling all the time as well. (Even though I still travel a heck of a lot.) Good luck to you.
The great thing is that the US holds SO many great travels as well. Sure, they won’t be “as cultural” but there are so many great sights and things to see and explore there. So, while it is painfully hard to walk away from Europe, traveling is NOT done yet for us! 🙂
there is nothing wrong with a new adventure…and your little one will have all that awesome family around…not that you can’t return with him 🙂
You already kknow that no matter where in the world you are you can always find adventure Best wishes as you return stateside!
SO well said! You don’t have to be overseas to travel!
I lived in Germany for three years, so I know it will be an adjustment to move back to the states. But there’s nothing saying you can’t move back later on! Nothing in life is permanent so you can always adjust as you go. Have fun on your new adventure!
That is the beauty of the world we live in today…I know Europe isn’t off the table completely for the future! What recommendations do you have for adjusting from Germany to the US?
I can definitely understand the need to be close to family–it would be hard to raise a kid away from that support network. I can see how you would miss so much about Germany and Europe in general, but it’s great that you have so many miles and can plan trips back to show your little one around your old stomping grounds! Hope the move goes great and the transition is smooth!
Thanks for the support Jenna! It will be hard, but SO worth it!
Wow, what a hard thing it must be to go through knowing you will be leaving all the has been familiar for 5 years and starting again somewhere else. But, it will be easier since you will have so much support back home. It is an amazing thing becoming a parent. I never realized how unselfish I could truly be until I became a mom. Looking forward to reading about your campervan adventures in the US. This is something we have wanted to do as a family as well.
Thank you Christina! I know you guys do your fair amount of traveling as well…even with kiddos! It’s refreshing knowing that it is totally possible!
Wow what a difficult decision! All the best for the future. Great article!